New Booking System

Introducing our new booking system

Gymcatch is our brand new and exciting booking system, which will be used to book your wellbeing classes at Sass from January 2023 onwards.

You’ll need to register for an account at Search for Sass Wellbeing and Coffee and choose to ‘follow’ us.

Once you’re following us, you can head to our timetable to view and book classes from January 2023 onwards.

There is also a user-friendly Gymcatch app so download this from the usual place you find your apps - this is the easiest way to book classes!

Existing students

Early in December, you should have received an email from us explaining the transfer over to Gymcatch. If you didn’t see this, don’t worry - just register as a new student using the same email you used for previously booking classes.

What about my passes - I hear you say!

Over the Christmas break, we will transfer any remaining passes on your MomoYoga account over to your new Gymcatch account for you to use. By the 1 January, your MomoYoga account will be deleted.

We are so excited to move over and make booking your classes and workshops easier than ever - you will see all the amazing benefits of our new system once you are set up, but a few of our favourites are:

  • Book up to 2 friends/family members onto a class without creating them an account

  • Sync bookings straight to your personal calendar

  • Get offers from great wellness and fitness brands just by registering!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us - either message us through Gymcatch or drop an email to the team via


Sass Winter Retreat


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