Sweet dreams… Getting the most out of your sleep

We’ve all seen in the past year how important it is to prioritise health. One of the best ways you can prioritise your health is to start with healthy sleep and sleep habits.

Sleep improves nearly every aspect of health from your weight to your immune system to overall cognitive function. Getting enough sleep is a foundational part of a good health focus.

I'm a bit of a fan of Michael J Breus - also known as The Sleep Doctor. After reading a few articles of his, I thought it'd be great to share a couple with you (point one below.) If you're a troubled sleeper, he suggests trying a new regime and sticking to it for 90 days - giving your body (and your subconscious) time to adjust and settle in to a new routine.

  1. Determine the optimal amount of sleep for you, it’s easy to do with his sleep calculator. Then for 90 days sleep the right number of hours you need for a full night of restorative sleep. This article will tell you the best time to wake up or go to sleep based on your chronotype.

  2. Drink at least a litre of water each morning when you wake up before you drink anything else... I know - something about water again - I'm telling you, it's the nectar for good health - and now sleep! ;)

  3. Add blue light blocking glasses to your routine at least 90 minutes before bed or simply turn off all screens/electronic devises 90 minutes before bed. As much as you are probably using screens during the day, it’s not a bad idea to wear them throughout the day as well. And don’t forget the 20/20/20 rule, every 20 minutes focus on something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

  4. Reduce ambient light when you sleep. It is important to sleep in as dark an environment as you can. During winter that's not really hard but come summer, if you don't have blackout blinds of curtains, treat yourself to a soft and snuggly eye mask. 

  5. Practise a 'night time power-down' ritual or routine. It is important to prepare your body to sleep, the power down hour helps. I also encourage journaling during my power down hour to help get your thoughts out before bed to help reduce thinking and rumination. I actually have a notepad by my bed as, during busy times when my mind is working overdrive, I'll regularly wake up in the night with crazy thoughts. Simply writing these down, really helps me doze back off. some suggestions include:

  • Take a warm bath or shower with a cool down period before bed. The warming and rapid temperature change can help stimulate sleep.

  • Personal hygiene – your normal evening hygiene should be a part of your ritual. If you don’t have a specific hygiene routine just include something simple like washing your face, flossing, and brushing your teeth or anything else that feels right for you.

  • Stop looking at screens at 60-90 minutes before bed – if you must, then wear blue light blocking glasses.

  • Journaling – writing about your day can have a calming effect and reduce anxiety. I love writing three things I'm grateful at the end of each day - no more than 5 minutes required!

  • List making – simply list all the things that you need to do the following day or things that are currently in your conscious mind, then, you can pick them the next day and not think about them as you go to sleep.

  • Meditate – meditation has many documented anxiety and stress reducing outcomes and may help you relax and fall asleep faster.

  • Drink a non-caffeinated beverage – sipping a warm beverage can also have a calming effect and give you time to begin to relax, I like camomile or decaf tea - and after years of trialling, I don't drink ANYTHING after 8.45pm - this stops me from getting up for a wee in the middle of the night.

  • Buy a natural 'relax' spray - or a pillow spray as some might know it as - infused with essential oils such as lavender and chamomile. Haddican & Sass are launching one very soon and I can promise you - it works! ;)

I'd love to know if you try any of these things and what your thoughts are about them - or if you have any great sleep tips share them with me and I can get them out to our community too!

Sleep well - hopefully!


Kate x


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