The woman behind the business (Part 2)

The majority of my schedule is filled with work - and although I don't call my Yoga and Movement 'work' or my 'job', I know it is, because it brings the money in. When I'm not physically in front of a class, behind the scenes, I'm managing everything else that's involved with owning a business (and I'll be honest, this takes up so much more time than actually teaching!)

BUT, I do understand the benefits of taking time out and I make sure there's some of this scheduled into my week. I obviously love Yoga and Movement - not just for the physical fitness, but for the amazing effects it has on my mind. Lockdown has helped me massively get back into a habit of practising myself. I'm so lucky to have some talented teachers as friends - I'm pretty damn fussy when it comes to my own practice (and hence why I'm so particular about what I teach too) - I can't be doing with any bulls*t. I want the teacher to know what they're talking about, to not be bothered about just making shapes and floating around the mat, but instead educating me and helping me learn more about myself as well as how best to move to gain real benefit.

I am truly fond of getting outside, in any weather. My dad taught me to invest well in clothing and footwear for any weather and that's something I've always done. I won't question spending £300 on a Mountain Equipment jacket, knowing that when I'm at the top of Helvellyn in a foot of snow, the only thing my attention will be on is the view. I enjoy walking and running, although I'm not a long distance fan or really a fast pacer; I prefer to just get out, look around and breathe. Whilst Yoga helps calm my mind and stops my brain from over-working, running stirs up my creativity and I'll often come home from an hour's trot to new ideas and fresh inspiration.

I'm a gym bunny too. As a Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer (where my background in this industry began), I've always felt at home in the gym environment - more lifting weights than running on the treadmill though. From the age of 15 I've had a gym membership and I'm so lucky to have found the perfect set up just round the corner from home at Kiss Fitness - again, working with passionate and professional individuals who are not just there to get you fit or help you lose weight - they also want to educate you.

Home life is all about my husband Gino (who, at the age of 12, I knew I was going to marry) and my two fur babies who have been with us for nearly 15 years. If you know me just a tiny little bit, you'll know I'm a crazy cat lady. I'd have 15 cats if I could sneak them into the house, plus a giant house rabbit, some chickens, a couple of lambs, ducks, maybe a dog and a ghecko. Oh and a tortoise. I've been known to admit I prefer animals to humans...

My library of self-help books is pretty impressive; I'm an avid reader of educational books as well as fiction - and a good, cheesy, romantic beach read is probably top of my list. I have to make the time to read though so a book needs to grab me within the first few pages, a bit like cooking. I know I'm pretty good at cooking (an Italian guy married me for goodness sake) but I don't want anything too faffy with hundreds of ingredients I can't pronounce. I enjoy hearty, home-cooked meals, and being a vegetarian, I like to experiment with new ideas, ensuring there's lots of flavour. I don't really follow recipes and when people ask me for something, I'm like 'erm you need some of this, that and a bit of such a thing - but don't ask me how much, I just throw it all in and hope for the best! That's probably why I'm not a baker.

I am good at making candles though and those who attended my Weekend Retreat in March had first hand experience with one of my candle-making workshops! I don't want to say too much about this just yet though - you'll need to keep your eyes peeled for developments (insert winky-face ;)

I'm also a 'girly girl' - although I don't always feel like it - but I love a good pamper! I've tried to combine my love of pampering with my business; I host regular Yoga+Spa Day Retreats that go down a storm and I set up Sass Skincare+Beauty about 6 months, in collaboration with The Body Shop at Home. I didn't really know how this would go down with my students and followers but so far, it's been amazing. I wanted something that aligned with my business about helping others feel better about themselves - not just movement-wise or mind-wise but also how they look. I know that when I look good, when I'm happy with my physique and my skin, my mental health benefits too. So I turned another passion into something I could share with others. 2020 is seeing that small side of the business grow slowly and I'm now looking to bring more people on board to do the same - sharing amazing products and helping others look and feel great whilst creating their own little business!

And so I think that's it... I obviously enjoy socialising with friends, brunching, drinking Prosecco and gin and most importantly spending time with family. Now they really have helped me in becoming who I am today and I will be forever grateful for their support - not just in my life now and supporting my dream but being my rock throughout the bad times. I might seem like I have a happy life now, but I assure you, I've worked hard - on myself - to get to this place.

More on that next time... for some of you, that might be a real surprise.

Stay tuned for more 'The Woman behind the Business' next week, where I'll share what brought me to where I am now - and if there's anything you're curious about or want to ask - then do!


The woman behind the business (Part 3)


The woman behind the business (Part 1)