My heart is not full, it’s overflowing

It's Sunday night, and I've just finished unpacking and celebrating the weekend... the first Sass Weekend Retreat is done. I'm exhausted but happy. In fact, I'm in a daze; I can't really yet tell you how I'm feeling. The messages and comments I'm receiving on the Facebook private group are unreal - ridiculously complimentary, loving, supportive, positive.... it's all just a little mad if I'm honest.

It's mad because less than 12 months ago, a weekend retreat was a pipe dream. Something I used to see others do and be in awe of... 'wow - I wish I had the confidence and belief that I could do that. Can you imagine hosting a yoga retreat for a full weekend? What an accomplishment!"

I've just done it - and according to the 17 that attended, rather successfully. Two nights in THE most luxurious of houses, in the middle of nowhere, with the comfiest of beds and the best views I've seen in a long time. The sun shone too - always a bonus for March! ;)

Four yoga classes - all completely different, a candle-making workshop with my new business-partner/neighbour, delicious vegetarian food - all home-cooked by me, more cake than the local bakery, time breathing in the fresh air, amazing holistic treatments, star-gazing, afternoon naps (not me obvs), laughs, hugs, coronavirus wishes for self-isolation and more love than I could've hoped for. It's been a 48 hour rollercoaster ride of emotions - and one that I want to do again, and again, and again...!!!

I saw 17 people arrive on the Friday - different ages, abilities and all having their own reason for being there - some, completely on their own - but when leaving on Sunday, a community had formed. Life stories shared, private struggles and accomplishments discussed, new friendships formed and intentions achieved.

The months of prep and panic have been worth it. I had one intention for the weekend - for everyone to experience a 'home from home' - no pressure, no rules, no expectations - just relaxation, enjoyment and happiness. People being who they wanted to be at all times, with no judgement.

I have to say a HUGE thank you to every single person who came - you are absolute stars! I appreciate you, I am grateful for you and I honestly couldn't do this without you. I loved how you all got involved to create the retreat I'd envisioned. I cannot wait for the next one!

Special thanks goes to Annette - Yellow Holistic Therapies - for not only providing the most amazing treatments but also being professional and reliable. I am so excited for working together more in the future - you are amazing at what you do, I am so blessed to call you my friend!

To my mum - for helping me manage the 48 hours before the retreat - food shopping, cooking and generally keeping me calm! You were also a legend during the weekend, and, as expected, everyone loved you!

And to my husband - now known as 'the real Sass.' My rock, my encourager and the person who truly believes in my dreams. Despite having moments where I was adament to cancel the weekend, waking up at 2am on the Saturday during the retreat in a blind panic, and even bossing you about for the majority of it, you are always by my side. Without you, I categorically couldn't do this - and people have seen that this weekend - me and you - we are #teamsass....................

So what's next? On the journey home I've already reserved the Autumn dates.

All I can say is - watch this space..... :)


Coronavirus and your mental health?


I’m as lucky as can be, as the title of yoga teacher belongs to me!