Self-indulgence? Selfish? Self-care?

According to the thermometer in our garden, it’s currently 24° - in the UK, that's definitely bikini weather.... I’m chilling, for once - well kind of - I’ve still got the laptop out and of course, my mobile.

As it's Wednesday, I've finished 'work work' half day and to me, these next few hours are 'self-care.' These next few hours are ALL ABOUT ME, before I head out to teach and provide care for my students.

I’m working, yes, but I’m doing what I love; I’m excited, I can feel the good hormones rushing through my body and maybe, just maybe, for half an hour I might actually just sit and do absolutely nothing.

Self care, according to the dictionary is, “the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular, during periods of stress.”

I'll admit it, I'm a little stressed; only yesterday I was talking to my business group online (12 of us - worldwide, all working on a Yoga Business course) about how overwhelmed I felt after missing a week of training because I was away in Ireland - on another training. (I'd love to be able to insert that emoji here - the one with the eyes rolling?)

I'd missed a live group update with my mentor and I honestly felt like I didn't have a clue and I was never going to catch up. I've also been planning three retreats, numerous workshops for the summer, designing, updating my website, creating a monthly newsletter and fulfilling my new role as Ambassador for Digital Yoga Academy. This, plus the general life stuff - planning my husband's 40th birthday (13 months away) and stepping my own game up regarding fitness and nutrition - Ibiza is less than three months away!

So yeah, I'm a little 'rabbit in the headlights.'

But you know what? I totally believe this is good stress! For me, I'm not anxious, there's no panic, no sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and I'm still sleeping like a log at night - all positive signs for a mental health sufferer. This good stress to me, is more like passion, dedication, commitment and the overwhelming desire to be a success in a job I am totally and utterly in love with.

So on that note, how do you ‘self care?’

It’s a term these days that's thrown about everywhere, and I honestly think that’s because our lives are busier than ever, crammed with hectic-ness, making us often, genuinely stressed. Everyone’s always reminding me to look after myself, take time out and be mindful of how I’m feeling. Oh don't you worry, I'm on point with how I'm feeling! I am honestly getting to full grips with being selfish..... I mean self-caring....... (insert another eye-roller here and maybe a winky face).

But what if I asked this of you?

When was the last time you really self cared? When was the last time you had some time to yourself, doing what you love? A day? Half a day? What about an hour? Even five minutes? I know that the friends of mine who are parents barely grapple with five minutes - especially five minutes of peace or quiet - enabling them to actually think! But then when they have five minutes, toys need putting away, the kitchen needs mopping, etc etc - they feel guilty if they then just sit and do absolutely nothing.

Self care can come in many forms - exercise, yoga, reading a book, taking a bath (without having sit and stare at you), grabbing a coffee with a friend, breathing in the fresh air, writing in your journal, partaking in a hobby, a night out with those who make you laugh, a massage - or even a full day at the spa!

We say we don’t have time for self-care, but I personally know how valuable it really is; taking time out, doing something you love. Switching off the phone and spending time with friends - BUT IT'S DOWN TO US TO SCHEDULE IT IN -without finding an excuse not to and without feeling guilty. You must understand and believe that is this is for your health and well-being, to create your best self and feel your best as often as possible. How can you help or care for anyone else if you’re not your best self?

Set an intention right now, to consider the importance of looking after yourself and taking time out FOR YOU. This might start with just 5 minutes - but schedule it in. You might have to speak to your partner or family to support you taking this time, it's actually needed sometimes just to stay sane! Then build it up - what about a couple of hours each week dedicated to you?

Then maybe, just maybe a half day, or even a full day? Now we're talking! And this doesn't have to be every week (that would be seriously living the dream) but what about each month, or every couple of months?


I’m not a pigeon, do not put me in a hole