I’m not a pigeon, do not put me in a hole

pigeonhole (verb) to put someone or something into a group or type, often unfairly:

Today I taught a brand new class of 23 people, with only two of them ever sitting on a mat in front of me before. I started the class with “I’m not a traditional yoga teacher.”

This is a line that's become a permanent fixture in my vocabulary and I’m super-proud to say it out loud. I’ve got a bit of a bee in my bonnet at the minute; being compared, being thought of as a “yoga teacher," being pigeonholed into this idea of a "yoga teacher" whereby warrior 1, warrior 2 and whatcha-me-call-it-asana is part of the process....

No, no no. (Slap in the face emoji.)

Why is this driving me so insane?? I'll tell you.

I'm coming across people who ask me about Yoga - THEY approach ME - THEY start the conversation, (if you know me, you'll know I don't push it in people's faces unless they ask me first - and they want to talk about it further) and then THEY turn around and say, 'oh I've tried it, I hated it.' Like FFS!!!

Obviously, that gets me asking... why? what did you 'hate' about it? did you try it elsewhere or with another teacher? Of course, the answer is no. Usually followed by a roll of the eyes and a quick change of subject. But it's too late. You've got my attention now, you've started a conversation with me that even the marrow in my bones is passionate about. And the fact you 'hate' it kind of irritates me.

Don't get me wrong - YOU don't irritate me - the teacher who taught you 'yoga' has irritated me. If yoga is taught well and with meaning and with passion and knowledge and a true love for the body; how it moves, how it feels, how it actually works - AND it's interesting and fun, no one would EVER hate it. Everyone would understand how much they hand-on-heart NEEDED it.

That's why I make sure classes are fun. There's no time to get bored, check your watch or even speak to your neighbour on the mat. There's no time to think...and that's why it helps with your head too. In a Sass class you'll move - like REALLY move - your bones, your joints, your muscles - and we won't do it in a 'float around the room' kinda way so there's no need to feel self-conscious. Yes, we'll include some 'traditional' yoga poses but we'll use these to improve your overall fitness - not to just make shapes and breathe. A Warrior 2 will test your strength, your mobility, your endurance and your commitment. It will test your head, your heart and your lungs.

We will talk - openly and honestly. We will moan, groan, sigh and giggle. We will get to know each other, but most importantly, we will get to know ourselves.

There will be no valid reason to 'hate' it. You may find it's not quite for you and if you'd rather lie down all class and be wrapped in a blanket then I'll tell you straight, it definitely won't be for you.

I'm an advocate for being about to move freely - now, and when you're 102. I will encourage you to take your yoga off the mat and into your everyday life. I want you to utilise all of the amazing benefits to manage your life challenges and experiences, and I want you to feel good about your body. I want you to feel good about your mind. I want you to feel good about YOU.

And that's just a few reasons why I'm not a traditional Yoga Teacher. Want to find out for yourself? Come to a class soon... the Sass Community are a god-damn welcoming bunch!


When determination pays off


Self-indulgence? Selfish? Self-care?