When determination pays off

Five weeks ago today, I had an utter breakdown after training in the gym with The Husband... my pants were tight, I couldn't look at myself in the mirror, I had the most horrendous migraine and I just felt awful. I honestly couldn't understand why... I was training, eating well but I just wasn't feeling the benefits...

And I know, at this point, some of you will be rolling your eyes thinking 'why does Kate want to lose weight?' Well, it's not about what anyone else thinks - it's what I think and how I feel - and I wasn't happy. My anxiety increases massively if I'm not happy with me - my weight, if my clothes don't fit properly, my skin - anything... I've discovered that when I look and feel good, my head is good - I'm happy.

So, instead of usually being lectured that it's my own fault, I eat too much sugar (which I do) and I've found a new love for alcohol, The Husband gave me a much-needed reality check. I said I'd tracked my food, I was exercising like mad, and I honestly believed this! But then he asked me, 'did you track the vegan dirty fries, the four cocktails, the three-course breakfast you had when we were away last weekend? What about the three bottles of Prosecco you shared with the neighbour on Saturday night? Oh - and the casual cocktail you've supped every night because you're off work?' Hmm.... none of those had been logged on MyFitnessPal....

Reality check over, I said I'd love to lose 2lb a week up to holiday. I honestly didn't believe I could do it, but he offered to support me for the next five weeks - we were in this together. Food prepping, cooking together, back training at the gym together - a plan of action made, I weighed myself and took photos. 9 stone 7 - I'd not been that heavy for a while. I always hover around the 9 stone - 9 stone 3 mark. 5 weeks, 2lb per week... #ibizaplan was go!

I massively cut down on refined carbs - only pasta, rice or bread once a day, I upped my protein intake, cut out alcohol and MASSIVELY reduced my sweet treats. If you know me, you'll know I'm a secret eater so honesty was absolute key this time in order to hit my goal.

I ran twice a week - even in the rain! Once was a longer, faster run with the neighbours, the other was 3-5 miles, including hills on my own. I used these runs mainly for my head - to get out, clear my mind and re-focus. And I hated cardio at the gym so this was my fix.

I pushed myself at the gym harder than usual and when training with The Husband, I never said no to his encouragement - he'd remind me if I did - 'Kate, we're on plan. Do you want to hit your goal?' I knew that if I didn't I'd only feel disappointed and my anxiety would be present.

Week one, I lost 3lb and that was the motivation I needed. If I can do that after one week, what could I achieve in another four?

Water was king. On the days I drank 2-3 litres of water, I'd wake up the next day actually feeling slimmer and more energised, this for me was a game-changer. Yes, I pee'd for England for the first week but then my body adjusted. My horrendous headaches were minimised and I felt so alert and determined.

Did I starve myself? Absolutely no way! Did I have treats? Of course! I bought some amazing vegan dark chocolate and had a square or two each night. I've eaten fish and chips twice, I've even had a few meals out but I've chosen wisely and stuck to my minimal carbohydrates every day. I've had snacks - my fave is sliced apple and peanut butter or a protein, chocolate and berry shake and yes, I've even had a couple of G&Ts, but only a couple - in 5 weeks!

Fast-forward to a week before Ibiza and I was trying holiday clothes on I've not worn for 5 years - and they fit! A couple of shorts were far too big for me - and it felt BLOODY AMAZING!!!

5 weeks, 11lb lost, 6cm off my waist, 5cm off my hips and 3cm off my thighs.

I've never ever bothered about what the scales told me and, apart from this challenge where I needed a measurement, I'm still not bothered. What I DO care about is how my clothes fit, how I look when I see myself in the mirror and most importantly, how I feel - in my heart and in my head.

Could I be slimmer? Yes absolutely. You find me a woman who honestly doesn't want to be slimmer. And if that's you then I wish I could be you! Do I still have cellulite - oh hell yeah - if someone can find a method to eradicate that completely, I'll invest in it right now! But again, it's something I accept as being me - and it most definitely has reduced over the last 5 weeks.

I've always struggled with how I look and although I work hard on that in my head, it's something that is a part of me. I accept that and I look after myself to keep the negative thoughts at bay.

I'm now thoroughly enjoying an all-inclusive holiday in Ibiza and I feel fantastic! Will I put weight on? That's highly likely - day one and I had four Aperol Spritz and a Pina Colada... but this is why I've done this - to enjoy myself and the food while I'm here. I'll still exercise everyday - gym, run, walk and yoga - but I do that every holiday I go on - that's just a permanent fixture in my life because I genuinely love to keep fit! I won't book a hotel unless it has a gym - that's just standard. And when I return home I know I can switch my mindset again - I've just proved to myself this can be done.

I swear to you, if I can do this, anyone can. It's determination, commitment, honesty and the absolute want to hit your goal. If you REALLY want to lose weight, and I mean REALLY want to, you can. And if you need some help, when I get back home, I can support you.... but for now, I'm heading back to the pool and my Pina colada.... or maybe a mojito?!?!

Happy Holidays and Big Love from Ibiza,

Kate xxx


My brain is not broken


I’m not a pigeon, do not put me in a hole